How to Change Skin Color of Emojis on Android

Emojis are small digital icons used to convey emotions, ideas, and objects in electronic messages. They have evolved to include a wide range of expressions and now represent people from various ethnicities and cultures. If you want to change the skin color of emojis on your Android device, you have multiple options available.

Why Customize Emoji Skin Tones?

Customizing emoji skin tones is a way to promote inclusivity and reflect the diversity of our society. It allows individuals to choose emojis that resemble themselves or the people they are interacting with, fostering better representation and understanding.

The Default Skin Tone

By default, emojis on Android devices are displayed with a generic yellow skin tone. This neutral option was chosen to ensure that emojis could be universally understood and avoid potential misinterpretations based on different skin tones.

Changing Emoji Skin Tone on Android

Option 1: Using the Default Emoji Keyboard

Most Android devices come with a default emoji keyboard that includes skin tone options. To change the skin color of an emoji using the default keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app where you want to use the emoji (e.g., messaging app, social media app).
  2. Tap on the text input field to bring up the keyboard.
  3. Locate and tap the emoji icon on the keyboard.
  4. Browse through the available emojis and select the one you want to use.
  5. Once the emoji is selected, a small skin tone palette will appear above the keyboard.
  6. Tap on the desired skin tone to apply it to the emoji.
  7. The emoji will now appear with the chosen skin color in your message.

Option 2: Installing Third-Party Emoji Keyboards

If you prefer more customization options or additional emoji styles, you can explore third-party emoji keyboards available on the Google Play Store. These keyboards often provide a wide range of skin tone options and diverse emoji sets. To use a third-party emoji keyboard:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store and search for “emoji keyboard.”
  2. Choose a keyboard app that suits your preferences and has good user reviews.
  3. Install the app on your Android device.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the keyboard.
  5. Open the app where you want to use emojis and select the new keyboard from your device’s keyboard options.
  6. Follow the steps provided by the specific keyboard app to customize emoji skin tones according to your preference.

Customizing Emoji Skin Tone on Popular Messaging Apps

Different messaging apps may have their own methods for customizing emoji skin tones. Here are some examples for popular messaging apps:


  1. Open a chat in WhatsApp.
  2. Tap on the smiley icon located next to the text input field.
  3. Browse through the available emojis and select the one you want to use.
  4. Once the emoji is selected, a small skin tone palette will appear above the keyboard.
  5. Tap on the desired skin tone to apply it to the emoji.
  6. The emoji will now appear with the chosen skin color in your message.

Facebook Messenger

  1. Open a conversation in Facebook Messenger.
  2. Tap on the smiley face icon located next to the text input field.
  3. Browse through the available emojis and select the one you want to use.
  4. Once the emoji is selected, a small skin tone palette will appear.
  5. Tap on the desired skin tone to apply it to the emoji.
  6. The emoji will now appear with the chosen skin color in your message.


  1. Open the Instagram app and go to the Direct Messages section.
  2. Tap on the “+” icon to create a new message.
  3. Tap on the smiley face icon located at the bottom left corner of the text input field.
  4. Browse through the available emojis and select the one you want to use.
  5. Once the emoji is selected, a small skin tone palette will appear.
  6. Tap on the desired skin tone to apply it to the emoji.
  7. The emoji will now appear with the chosen skin color in your message.

Overcoming Compatibility Issues

It’s essential to note that emoji customization may result in compatibility issues across different devices and platforms. If the recipient of your message does not have the same emoji set or the capability to display custom skin tones, they might see a default or different skin tone version of the emoji. To ensure better compatibility, it’s advisable to communicate with recipients who are using similar devices or messaging apps.

The Importance of Inclusive Representation

Customizing emoji skin tones is an important step toward creating a more inclusive digital environment. It allows individuals to express themselves in a way that accurately reflects their identities and backgrounds. By embracing diversity in our digital communication, we foster understanding, empathy, and appreciation for different cultures.

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Changing the skin color of emojis on Android devices is a simple and effective way to personalize your digital communication and promote inclusivity. Whether you use the default emoji keyboard or opt for third-party emoji keyboards, the process is straightforward and allows you to represent yourself and others with diverse skin tones. Embrace the power of emojis to create a more inclusive online space.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can I change the skin color of all emojis on Android? Yes, you can change the skin color of most emojis on Android devices using either the default emoji keyboard or third-party emoji keyboards.
  2. Will changing the skin tone of an emoji affect its meaning?No, changing the skin tone of an emoji does not affect its fundamental meaning. The purpose of customizable skin tones is to provide representation and inclusivity, without altering the intended expression of the emoji.
  3. Are there any limitations to customizing emoji skin tones on Android?While Android devices offer a wide range of skin tone options, it’s important to note that not all emojis have customizable skin tones. Some emojis are inherently gender-specific or feature predefined skin tones.
  4. How can I ensure emoji compatibility across different devices?To ensure better emoji compatibility, it’s advisable to communicate with recipients who are using similar devices or messaging apps. This reduces the likelihood of compatibility issues arising from differences in emoji sets or skin tone customization capabilities.
  5. Can I revert back to the default skin tone of an emoji?Yes, you can revert back to the default skin tone of an emoji by selecting the neutral or default skin tone option provided in the emoji keyboard or app you are using.

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