How to Remove the Share Button on Facebook Posts 2023

Facebook is a popular social media platform that allows users to connect, share content, and engage with others. While the platform provides numerous features to enhance user experience, some individuals may prefer to limit the sharing options on their posts. If you’re looking to remove the share button on your Facebook posts in 2023, this article will guide you through the process.

Facebook provides users with various options to manage their privacy settings and control the visibility of their posts. One of these options is the ability to remove the share button, allowing you to restrict the sharing of your content. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can customize your Facebook experience to align with your preferences.

Why would you want to remove the share button?

There can be several reasons why you may choose to remove the share button from your Facebook posts. Here are a few common scenarios:

  • Privacy concerns: You may be conscious about who can access and share your content, and prefer to limit its reach.
  • Personal content: Certain posts may contain personal information or moments that you only want to share with a select audience.
  • Brand management: If you’re representing a brand or business, you might want to maintain control over the distribution of your content.

Privacy concerns and control over the content

In today’s digital landscape, privacy is a significant concern for many users. By removing the share button, you can exercise greater control over who has access to your posts. It allows you to limit the reach of your content to a specific audience, ensuring that it remains within your desired circle.

Step-by-step guide to removing the share button on Facebook posts

Follow these steps to remove the share button from your Facebook posts:

Accessing Facebook settings

  1. Log in to your Facebook account using your credentials.
  2. Click on the inverted triangle icon located at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings & Privacy.”

 Navigating to the post settings

  1. Within the “Settings & Privacy” menu, click on “Settings.”
  2. In the left sidebar, select “Privacy.”
  3. Scroll down until you find the “Your Activity” section.
  4. Click on “Who can see your future posts?”

Modifying the sharing options

  1. In the “Who can see your future posts?” section, click on the edit button.
  2. A popup window will appear. Select the desired audience for your posts.
  3. To remove the share button, choose an option that restricts the audience to “Only Me.”
  4. Click on “Close” to save your changes.

The impact of removing the share button

Removing the share button affects the visibility and reach of your posts. Once you remove the share button and limit the audience to “Only Me,” your posts will no longer be shareable by others. This ensures that your content remains private and within your intended circle of viewers.

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It’s important to note that by restricting sharing, you may also limit the potential for your posts to go viral or reach a broader audience. Therefore, consider your objectives and the content you share before deciding to remove the share button entirely.

Managing your privacy and controlling the sharing options on your Facebook posts can provide you with a greater sense of security and control over your content. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily remove the share button and limit the visibility of your posts on Facebook.

Remember to review your privacy settings periodically to ensure they align with your preferences and objectives. By customizing your Facebook experience, you can make the platform work for you and enhance your social media interactions.


Q1. Can I remove the share button for individual posts only?

Yes, you can choose to remove the share button for individual posts by modifying the privacy settings for each specific post. Simply follow the same steps outlined in this article and select the desired sharing option for each post individually.

Q2. Will removing the share button affect previous posts?

No, removing the share button on future posts will not impact the sharing options of your previously published posts. If you wish to modify the sharing settings for past posts, you’ll need to update the privacy settings individually for each post.

Q3. Can others still take screenshots or copy my posts?

While removing the share button restricts the direct sharing of your posts, it does not prevent others from taking screenshots or copying the content manually. It’s important to be mindful of what you post on social media platforms and consider the potential reach and implications of your content.

Q4. Can I change the sharing options for shared posts?

Once someone shares your post, they have control over the sharing options for the shared version. However, by removing the share button, you can limit the initial sharing options and exercise greater control over the distribution of your content.

Q5. How can I undo the removal of the share button?

To undo the removal of the share button, follow the steps outlined in this article and modify the sharing options for your future posts. By selecting an audience other than “Only Me,” you can restore the share button functionality.

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